The foundation Deutsches Meeresmuseum is a national and internationally important, specialized natural history museum and is one of the most visited museums in Germany. Its exhibition, collection and research activities focus on marine biology, fisheries and marine aquariums. The foundation Deutsches Meeresmuseum includes the exhibition sites MEERESMUSEUM and OZEANEUM in Stralsund as well as the NATUREUM and the NAUTINEUM.
The growing research department of the Deutsches Meeresmuseum focuses on aquatic vertebrates, European seas and
collection-related research. The German Oceanographic Museum has a long-standing expertise in acoustic monitoring and the effects of underwater sound on marine vertebrates.The GEOSTOR project aims to develop a roadmap for large-scale storage of carbon in sub-seabed geological formations in the German sector of the North Sea. It will quantify geological storage potentials, identify and investigate possible storage locations, assess environmental risks, develop novel monitoring techniques, study the legal framework and estimate costs for offshore CO2 transport and storage. Part of the environmental risks are effects on the distribution, abundance and physiology of harbor porpoises by an increased need for seismic exploration as part of the monitoring of potential deposits. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Science and Education.
Your tasks:
• Evaluation of a large dataset of broad band recordings and click detector data of odontocete echolocation during seismic surveys
• Modelling of porpoise distribution in relation to a seismic source
• Development of sound exposure maps
• Establishing guidance documents and mitigation strategies to protect porpoises during seismic surveys
• Support in project management and administrative processing including budgeting, monitoring of project finances and project control
• Quality assurance, documentation of results and reporting
• Organization of project meetings and scientific conferences
• Representation of the museum at external events with a focus on research
• Cooperation and collaboration in various national and international committees
• Publication of research results in internationally peer-reviewed journals
• Presentation at symposia
• Work at sea to collect data
Your profile:
• PhD in bioacoustics, physics, engineering or biology
• Strong background in underwater acoustics, and/or ecological modelling
• Proven programming skills in Matlab or R
• Excellent English written and oral communication skills and either German Language skills of the willingness to learn German
• Experience in sound propagation modelling
• (optional) Biostatistics including Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMM) and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), or equivalent
• (optional) experience in evaluating data from acoustic monitoring
• (optional) experience in working towards a political framework for regulation
We offer:
an ambitious, variable job in a young team of biologists, veterinarians, educators and engineers working in a complex field of conservation challenges, public relation work, collections based research, exhibitions and outreach activities. The Museum is furthermore an equal opportunity employer.
The salary is in accordance with TVöD VKA and is remunerated at EG 13 with a regular weekly working time of 39,5 (in 2022) and 39 (from 2023) hours per week (full-time).
Please send your complete application as a single PDF file with letter of motivation as well as statement of research experience, including publications and third-party funding by e-mail together with your references and certificates by December, 31, 2021 to:
Deutsches Meeresmuseum E-Mail: bewerbung@meeresmuseum.de
Dr. Michael Dähne
Katharinenberg 14–20
18439 Stralsund
For any questions please contact Dr. Michael Dähne, Tel. +49 152 3890 3160, michael.daehne@meeresmuseum.de.
Costs incurred in connection with this job advertisement will not be reimbursed.
I hope this position will find your interest!
Kind regards,
Michael Dähne
Dr. Michael Dähne
Kurator für Meeressäugetiere/ Curator of Marine Mammals
Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Museum für Meereskunde und Fischerei ∙ Aquarium
Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Katharinenberg 14 – 20
18439 Stralsund
Tel.: +49 (0) 3831 26 50 310
Fax: +49 (0) 3831 26 50 309
Mail: michael.daehne@meeresmuseum.de
Web: www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de
Prof. Dr. Burkard Baschek
Andreas Tanschus
Ust. ID Nr.: DE 162 772 269
Steuernr.: 082/126/00068
Hinweis zum Datenschutz:
Postanschrift/Postal adress:
Katharinenberg 14 - 20
18439 Stralsund
Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Neu Badenstraße 4
18439 Stralsund
Dr. Michael Dähne
Kurator für Meeressäugetiere/ Curator of Marine Mammals
Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Museum für Meereskunde und Fischerei ∙ Aquarium
Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Katharinenberg 14 – 20
18439 Stralsund
Tel.: +49 (0) 3831 26 50 310
Fax: +49 (0) 3831 26 50 309
Mail: michael.daehne@meeresmuseum.de
Web: www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de
Prof. Dr. Burkard Baschek
Andreas Tanschus
Ust. ID Nr.: DE 162 772 269
Steuernr.: 082/126/00068
Hinweis zum Datenschutz:
Postanschrift/Postal adress:
Katharinenberg 14 - 20
18439 Stralsund
Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Neu Badenstraße 4
18439 Stralsund
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