Monday, March 15, 2021

JOBS: IWDG wish to recruit a Science Officer

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) is an All-Ireland NGO "dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Irish waters through study, education and interpretation".  The IWDG has charitable status, is regulated by the Charity Regulators and is a Limited Company. Currently it has two full-time employees, eight service providers and 12 consultants who help the IWDG deliver its work plan. Over the past 30 years, the IWDG has grown into a large, credible and complex organisation.  Its activities range from co-ordinating cetacean stranding and sighting schemes, to running a 56ft research vessel, provision of Marine Mammal Observers, preparing policy documents and action plans and informing the public about the importance of Ireland for cetaceans.

The IWDG wishes to recruit a Science Officer to join its core team based in the Shannon Dolphin Centre, Kilrush, Co Clare. The Science Officer will be expected to work closely with the team in Kilrush and other officers in the IWDG. The officer will be expected to manage all IWDG archived data, identify relevant opportunities to collect and interpret IWDG data, contribute to conservation actions and policies, identify gaps in IWDG scientific knowledge and priorities for scientific research and identify roles for the IWDG research vessel Celtic Mist and will be encouraged to seek funding for research projects. The officer will also contribute heavily to IWDG Consulting, including desk-top assessments and site fieldwork. 

Please find full details on IWDG Science Officer

Dr Simon Berrow
Chief Executive Officer
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group 
Merchants Quay, Kilrush, Co Clare, Ireland

Office; 065 9051763 / Mobile: 086 8545450

Charity Number: CHY 11163
Charity Regulatory Authority No. 20029913

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